EKONERG - Energy and Environment Protection Institute is the leading Croatian consulting company in energy and environment protection. As part of our activities in environment protection, EKONERG has formed independent laboratories for testing, calibration and proficiency testing in area of stack gas emissions and air quality.

Emissions Monitoring
Measurement activities in stack gas emissions monitoring

Proficiency Testing
Proficiency testing of the laboratories in emissions and air quality
according to ISO17043

Calibration of the air quality and emissions analyzers
in accredited calibration laboratory

Air Quality Monitoring
Measurements activities in air quality monitoring
according to ISO17025

Air Quality Monitoring Information Systems
Design and creating of the customized IT systems
for air quality monitoring

CEM systems calibration
Calibration of the continuos emissions monitoring (CEM) analyzers
according to ISO17025
Emissions and air quality laboratories
As a part of environment protection activities, EKONERG has formed independent Laboratory for emission measurements and Laboratory for air quality which cover stack emissions and air quality monitoring area.
Measurements and calibration with accredited methods
In our laboratories we have highly experienced experts and modern equipment. With this and our references we can guarantie data quality objectives. Our measuring and calibration methods in emissions and air quality monitoring are accredited according to ISO17025
Laboratory proficiency testing
EKONERG laboratories perform proficiency testing of the other emission and air quality laboratories as well. EKONERG laboratories are on of the first in EU who has accredited proficiency testing according to ISO17043 for air quality and emissions
Air Quality Reference Laboratory
Laboratory for air pollution in EKONERG has been recognized by the Croatian Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection as the air quality reference laboratory responsible for quality assurance of the measurements and air quality data in Republic of Croatia. EKONERG is member of AQUILA - EU network of air quality reference laboratories.